Snake is an animal that are so dangerous and poisonous. it is an animal that is crawl because it has no legs and when it eat food it not chew but it swallow. but there are some of types of snakes that aren't poisonous too. so snake is an animal that can eat people and cow too, so it sound so nervous. we have to take care our self don't play with snake because it can make any people die in a few hours and it can it eat any people when it feel so very hungry. but some people think that snake is an animal that can treat some disease. in Cambodia people consider the snake for food and some people consider that was a very good medicine that can treat some disease. Although, snake is an animal that is so dangerous and poisonous but still have some people took it to play and live with it. so it very strange for snake and people live together. because one day when that snake feel so very hungry it will eat people for food. in Cambodia have many that are connected with a snake story that lived with people but in the end that people still dead.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Snake !
Snake is an animal that are so dangerous and poisonous. it is an animal that is crawl because it has no legs and when it eat food it not chew but it swallow. but there are some of types of snakes that aren't poisonous too. so snake is an animal that can eat people and cow too, so it sound so nervous. we have to take care our self don't play with snake because it can make any people die in a few hours and it can it eat any people when it feel so very hungry. but some people think that snake is an animal that can treat some disease. in Cambodia people consider the snake for food and some people consider that was a very good medicine that can treat some disease. Although, snake is an animal that is so dangerous and poisonous but still have some people took it to play and live with it. so it very strange for snake and people live together. because one day when that snake feel so very hungry it will eat people for food. in Cambodia have many that are connected with a snake story that lived with people but in the end that people still dead.
Fire destroy a big house near my house
One days when I felt as slept in the night at 4 am in the morning a very loud sound waked me up. It were the firefighter cars that came the destroy the fire in a big business house. Every body near that house came out and gone to see it, including me.
In that days the fire were completed very strong and it started to burn at 3and half hour to 9:30 am in the morning. The house were not completely destroy, but some money and some program in the computer were damage. While 7:00am the son of the house owner came to my house and asked if we could kept his moto for him and he went to see his family. Fortunately, everybody were safe. There were 3 cars in the house and since it had no key the own try to break the window and control the cars before the fire eat them.
For me, in that day I had to have important math exam in my state school and my feeling before I went to my school was frighten, but my mother told me to went up stair and try to study also to forgot about what happen that day, because it could annoy me when I was working at my exam.
After the fire were completely end, the police said that it maybe cause my somebody. It mean that it is a crime, because when the house stop there big business every body near that house that did the same business too were very happy, because they had sold their product very quickly. It may be possible that somebody try to fire this house, because had some people that their was a small fire came from the back side of the house they had confused that somebody are still cooking or doing something that they don't know. Therefore,the house were burn.
Today that house were rebuilt, because it completely weak.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
What things can cause floods?
Floods are great flows of water over land that is usually dry. When this happens water accumulates more rapidly than the soil can absorb it. This causes water runoff over the ground. Many things can cause flood. pore spaces may not in be able to take in any more water. This happens because the pore space are already full of water or ice. It usually happens when there are long periods of heavy rain. It also can happen when snow and ice melt in the spring. Runoff from heavy rains or melting ice may become very great in spring. Rivers can't hold all the water pouring into them, and they overflow their banks. In cities storm drains may not be able to carry away water fast enough. In desert very dry soil may not be able to soak up water fast enough. When flood occur houses can be damaged, crops can be washed away, and lives can be lots every time when it happen. In an effort to control floods, people build dams and raise river banks. Even so, there structures can't always hold back the water. Dams some times break or overflow, releasing flood waters suddenly and without warning.
Competition help me a lot........
In the for the first successful competition that I win is when I did the listening test got 25/25 is full marks. I really proud of myself that I could be the best listener in the class in one days. My Cambodian teacher said that nothing happy more than you success by your own ability and I got it. It was very happy when I did it by my own. All of you in the class can also get this feeling if you are not cheat and try many times. I hope all of you can. :-)
The second benefit that I had gained from competition is a chocolate bar from my teacher for two people me and Vincent. We are all very happy to win, because we use our skill to win and the chocolate taste very fantastic from all of the other chocolate that I had it, because I full of happiness and my friend also does.
The last important thing that I had gained from the competition is Blog become my hobby. I had raced with Vincent my best friend to win that who got more post in the blog. Thus, when I came home I started to do more and more post up to 20 and still more my partner also does. Everyday I stay in front of my computer to make more post, a day at lease one post had been public. It was the very happy time when I did the blog and it become my hobby in the time that i didn't know. Nearly end of the term my teacher put me and Vincent to the Posts of the Weeks hall. I was very happy.
I hope you guy one day wil got this feeling. Thank for read and comment please!
Water can treat some diseases
Water is very important thing that people can't live without. Today only a some people that can know about the very important benefits of water in Cambodia. Not only, water can make people alive, but also it is the medicine for some diseases like cold, fever, and some simple diseases. Moreover, it also can protect you from some of simple diseases too like cold ad fever or more. One thing that also important is that water could make you slim or thin.
All of the people in the world know that without water they would die, so they really know that water can make them alive, but some of them still didn't know that it could treat simple diseases like cold, fever and more. According to the doctors, Water can treat cold, fever and more simple diseases by you drink a lot of water and in certain time. A lot of water in your body help to grow the White blood and since the White blood treat and fight for the disease in your body, you can release very fast.
More that this one, water can protect from the simple disease. Doctors said that more water in your body make more White blood. White blood is the protector of diseases and kill or fight the disease that have in your body.
10 or 15 minute drink some water every time in a day you can reduce 1 kilogram from you body easily and you can eat what ever you want, but don't forget drink water.
What is water?
Water is a liquid that all of human and all of animals need it to drink every time that can't miss it and water can make a human have a good health. if we don't have we can't alive because water is an liquid that we drink we need to sweat it out and we have to get it out from our body everyday. so everyone can't live with out water and if you don't drink water for a few day you will die because you have no power in body and you don't have anythings to sweat out because if you drink you will have a sweat after when you tired and when you do so mething that you have to use lots of power. and when you got sick, you should drink a lot of water it will make your disease get better from one day to day. therefore, people need to take care of water don't waste it because it very important to you and another people on Earth's surface.
How much Fresh Water Is there?
What will happen if when there not enough fresh water? There are a little amount of fresh water that we can use. Actually, only about 3/100 of Earth's water is fresh. but we can't use all of 3/100 we can use only 1% of that so there is a little amount of fresh water so this 1% fresh that we can use only for human in the world. People in the world used this water for drink, take a bath, clean a food and wash a dishes. and there are 2% of fresh water left that we can't use so the amount of fresh water that we can use and fresh water that we use is not the same so it is so difficult for people that water is not go through like Sahara desert. people at there had a difficult live to live at there because there is so very little of amount of fresh water that we can use. and the fresh water that we can't use are found in frozen ice caps and glaciers isn't readily available. and there is also fresh water under the ground, but the groundwater is very deep down so is not easy to reach.
You play games or games play you?
Games are one of the most entertainment that helpful for reduce stress. Games are very fun and have it benefits, but it depend on people that use it. You play Games or Games play you.
If (you play games), it mean that you use it correctly, so you can gain it benefit and reduce stress. You use it correctly mean that you play it in time limit and also play for gain advantages. You use it when you are boring or stress or to gain some more imagination to help your study and for some fun. Sometime, you think that you use it correctly, but you can addict to it by you didn't know.
If ( Games play you), it mean that you use it incorrectly, so you will gain a very terrible disadvantages. Waste of money, waste of times, addict to the games can't live without it, can't go to school, will not gain anymore knowledge beside from games and many more. These are the very terrible problem that you may face if you use it incorrectly.
For both of this point I think that you all understand and try to use games in correct ways for help you not for fun every time.
Thank for reading and don't forget comment. :-)
My holiday in Thailand ^_^
About 5 months ago i went to Thailand with my family, my aunt and my cousin aunt. I left from PenhPhnom about 4 am in the morning on the way i felt a little bit sleepy so i slept on a car. and about 6am i woke up and looked outside the car i saw many house, field, cows, and ponds. I felt so happy when the environment outside is so fresh. and about 9 o'clock am i arrived at Poipiet city that is a border between Cambodia and Thailand. and and than the police have checked my passport and then i continued to go to Bangkok that is a capital city a capital city of Thailand. after i sat down in the chair on the car already i around outside the car i saw many people, cars, house and many restaurant. In Thailand is not the same in Cambodia because Thailand have many people, good economic than Cambodia. When i nearly arrive in Bangkok that were a very big street that is called High way it is about four lines for each side. and the driver drove very fast because this street need to drive fast but i felt so simple if they drove fast like this. and maybe nearly one more hour i arrived in Bangkok. When i arrived in Bangkok i saw many cars, tall building and many people too and i felt that now i arrived at modern city. and i felt so really happy too. and after that i went to check in my hotel that was near China Town. and after that i went to the shopping center that is called Siam Paragon that sold many expensive bran and normal bran too. and there are many people at there too. i thought that if in Cambodia have a shopping center like this maybe i feel so happy than here. and the second day i went to the Siam Park City that was a a big of three amusement park in Thailand. when i arrived i saw many modern things like roller coaster, viking...... after i bought the ticket already i rode a roller coaster with my sis and my cousin it was so high and strong and i shouted very strong but it make take out off the things that is messy from my mind and after that i ate lunch with my family and around 4 pm we came back and continued to go shopping again. and tomorrow i came back home with my family with a safely trip and bring with a lot of happy things in my mind.
Monday, 29 August 2011
News on the radio
News is very important program for people to know what happen in the world. Today there are many ways for people to know news and I here to tell you about news on the radio. Some listen to news by radio, but people think that only old people that like to listen news or something on radio. For this opinion I think, "Not at all". For me I also like to listen to the radio. Even thought, I didn't have my own radio, I still use my MP3 to listen to radio at night or morning to know about news.
Radio program that tell news are many, but the most famous and nice one is RFA ( Radio Free Asia). This is the most wonderful radio news program that people said. I also like it too the news speak out very clearly with proof and realistic.
Next, I think this one is also VOA ( Voice Of America). It is a foreign news, but is all very realistic too.
That all thank for reading and please leave a comment.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet !
Internet is a modern system that can everyone can communicate each other everyday, everytime, and every minutes you want and it can communicates another computer too. There a lot of advantages and disadvantages of internet.
The advantages of internet are you can use internet for searching everything you would like to know about that, playing games like online games and new games. and you can use internet for open web pages. and the internet can make you become a clever person and rich person too. so if you have internet seem like you have everything in you hands.
There are not only advantages of internet and there are also disadvantages of internet too. the disadvantages of internet are the internet can make people become a bad person and it can makes people do the things that are not right and the internet can make people kill people the same too. like if someone want to do bad thing to that person so they try to say good words to that person and tell that person that they were young people and try to call and meet that person outside the internet. so at last the person that is a victim is a person that think not enough.
Why doesn't fresh water run out?
People use so much fresh water each day such as take a bath, clean food and washing dishes. you might wonder why it doesn't run out. Fresh water doesn't run out because it is constantly renewed by the water cycle. let see how was the water cycle work?
1. The main source of water in the water cycle is the oceans. Every day trillions of liters of water evaporate from the oceans.
2.Water also evaporates from rivers, lakes, and other resources on land. Plants give off water vapor as well.
3.Water vapor in the air cools and condenses. Bunches of tiny droplets collect into clouds.
4.Water from clouds falls back to Earth's surface as precipitation. Rain and snow are the main sources of fresh water on land.
5.When water reaches the ground, three things happen to it. Some water seeps into the ground. Some runs downhill over the surface. Some evaporates back into the air.
There are all about water cycle !
The importance of books
Books is a group of paper that join together. Books have many kinds and also could be use in many ways. People usually use different books for different usage. Therefore, What people use books for?
and What the important of books.
There are many kind of books and those kinds are note books, dictionary, grammar books and many many more. For note books, people use it for taking note of something to be easy to remember or keep it for the young generation to study. For me, I use note books for take note,but some of the notes are including pictures to easy to understand if it very difficult to explain. Also many of my books were being learned by my sister and it was very helpful for some information that she had before she had enter her news class and she also take note for her sister too.
Dictionary is the books that can help find most of the difficult words that everybody face in study or works time. Now in modern technology century, not only, books that could be dictionary, but also computer program. I had known a lot about dictionary, because my father is a Chinese and Cambodia dictionary maker.
Books may show many other benefits, but I can't tell you all, so I took two out of many to tell you and it all.
Thank for reading.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Parents advice
Advice is a word or a group of words that use to talk to somebody about not to do something or to do something especially from parents to son or daughter. Just as me I had got many advice and I really happy to get more because parents are very important all of the words in the advice sentence were very meaning full and if you follow the parents advice you never wrong. Because all of the parents were wanted their child to bad good not to be bad.
I was a person that used to reject some of parents advice and what I got is very silly and no one want to talk with, because I so bad. My parents told me that try to study and don't play a lot. When they advice me I said I accept, but in my heart and my brain I reject. The result of this behavior was I nearly felt the Exam at Khmer school. I feel very regret to what I just done and my parents said that their was no son like this.
This above information about me is an example of why I didn't listen to my parents. I have already face it, so you guy please don't want to try it, it very regretful nothing can help you to avoid this it just your self, thus try to listen to your parents advice and think that you are wrong or not and think that the advice is right or wrong if you follow it. If you can do this, you would be a good children.
My fishing time today!
Today in the afternoon i went to fishing with my cousin near kandal province. at there it was a very big places with lots of interesting places and with many ponds that make me felt so happy really want to fishing now. when i arrived there i saw many people go there with them family for their relax time because at there it was a natural place and the air was so fresh. before i started to fishing one of my cousin taught me how to fishing. and after that i started to fishing and i imagination that i will get the big fish that it was 43 kg, but i knew already that i can't get that fish because i don't experience with fishing, after i was imagination already suddenly i feel that have something was at attracted my fishing pole and i felt so really happy and then i took it out from the water and that was a big only 3 kg and i think that is my ability that i can do so i won't sad with it. and everyone was looked really happy about it and after i ate lunch at there and started to fishing again. after that i came back home and bring with a happy feel and lesson and experience time with fishing. when i started to think about it i really want to be at that now and really want to fishing at there again and again and i won't forget about it.
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Be a happy person
I am a optimism people and I love happy. Being a happy person is very fun everyday with no sad, but sometime I can not harm myself not to angry or not to sad and I really try to avoid it.
About me I am optimism, but just sometime I also think something bad too. Why? because sometime I afraid of something I would sad it wouldn't good and I reject that I don't want to go or other reason.
As I said a happy person is a person that happy almost of the time. One thing for sure in school I never sad about my result. even thought I failed or got very low one, I think that this is me, this is my result, this is all I could do and I think I will look for my mistake and check it, so next time no more low score.
For me I really hate cheat and I never cheat in English school. My father said that do not love score more than you can do. It mean that you can do how, so you have to get what you can get not more than you can get. I think the person who cheat in English class are the person that destroy their future and destroy their parents.
These are all I wanted to said thank for reading and please leave a comment.
Changing temperature from one day to one day...
On the world every places are changing temperature from one day to one day it means that some days temperature is cold and a little cold ,but some days it very hot. it becomes like this because from one day to one day amounts of people in the world is grow up and people use a lot thing that can pollute the air like a smoke of motor vehicle. and some places people cut a big that can help with flood and take in carbon dioxide, but some people don't know about the advantages of trees. so they cut off the big trees for selling because if it a kind of good big trees we can sell it expensive. after they cut the trees from one day to one day it will happen to animal that they don't have a place for living and for people will have a very big problem when we have a flood in country and will have a lot of people sick because we don't have trees for take in carbon dioxide. and you will have one feel that atmosphere around you is not fresh and when you breath in and out you feel not fresh too because it have no trees for take in carbon dioxide. and all living thing take in oxygen for respiration. and more thing is a lot of scientist make a lot of modern things and a smoke from industry make air dirty and it will make a temperature changing from one day to one day.
The effect of Development Technology
Develop technology have its cause and I had already told you about the cause. And now I here to tell you about the effect of develop technology. Even thought, technology is good to develop, we still have to look bad for what we have done to develop this thing I mean that the effect it is heavy or not. For this point it has 2 effect that very important and we have no choose. That two effects are Economic and Health.
Technology is very expensive to buy. To make life more easy we have to develop technology, but we have to spend a lot of money. For example; to develop a plane need million of dollar, consequently many Country have problem with money.
Technology can make us easy in living, but is also make of difficult to taking care of our life. I mean our health. For instance; The modern technology that is using with gas , the smoke from the machine was changed into Carbon Dioxide that very affect to our health. Thus, many people death by cancer that cause by the smoke.
To sum up, technology was not good to use. Even thought, people can not avoid it all, so use it very rare that would help you health.
I hope you guy think about your health and avoid to use some of the very affect to your health.
Thank for reading.
The cause of Development Technology
Technologies were invented very long times ago. Because of difficulty in living, our people had developed technologies better and better. Using modern technology makes us learn the cause of developing technology. There are three cause that are important. Those points are Study, Transportation also Communication and Entertainment.
First cause is Study . While we study, we have many thing to do, but some of them are very difficult ,because we don't know the information that related to them or the information that they need to find out to complete it. Although, we have cars, bicycles, trains ....etc, we still can't find some information well. Therefore, we need something that is more easy to do and easy to find information. That why our people had invented computer on desk (desk top) and laptop ( the computer that we can carry every where) that have internet to help search fast for some information.
The second cause are Transportation and Communication. Not only, in work or study time that we need to communicate, but also every time. For instance; I am in Cambodia and my business partner is in Thailand and I need communicate with him for close relationship and make easy in my job. I can use cars or train to go there, but I have to spend a lot time and I have only 3 days limit for this vacation. For this example you can see why I put Transportation and Communication as only one point and also you can see that why people develop from cars and trains to a technology that can fly fast. This is call Plane. That it, so let's see for the final cause.
For the last cause is Entertainment that also the important cause for this topic. When we work or study, usually we would have stress. Since we stressful we can't do anything prosperous that why we need to relax to watch T.V or movies, but some T.V could not show very effective of entertainment that we use to reduce stress, so to make it possible we need to develop technology.
In summary, technology have a lot of benefits and it is very good to develop it , but to develop something people need reason to help. The cause is the reason and it has Study, Transportation also Communication and Entertainment.
That all for this one. Thank for your time and you try to read, but don't forget please leave a comment.
Friday, 26 August 2011
relax time at Dremland land Amusement Park.......
Today i was going to Dreamland Amusement Park with my sis, bro, aunt and my cousin. it was a really nice place and have lots interesting things to ride like Viking and Twister but Twister was broken already so i decided to ride a Viking. By the way i really happy when i get in there and i felt really comfortable because it was a enormous boat and it was very safely, after that i walked around Dreamland and i saw many people in there and it was a big wheel in front of me and i want to ride it but my sis feel not so go, therefore i decided to come back. if you any free time you should go to Dreamland Amusement Park for your relax time..........!
How do people use engery?
Many homes, school, and business shops get heat burning oil and natural gas. Some older buildings still burn coal for heat. Some homes burn wood for heat. the heat in many other homes and business come from electricity. So the energy run many common devices, such as lights, computers, radios, TVs, and washers. some small devices such as flashlights and CD player get their electricity from batteries. Most of the other devices use electricity from wall outlet. That electricity comes form power plant.
Where do Fossil Fules come from?

Fossil fules are the remains of once living things. Coal formed from the remap.ins of dead plants buried in ancient swamps and forests. Natural gas and oil formed from the remain of tiny ocean plants and animals. These sea creatures died and fell to the bottom of the ocean. There their bodies were buried by layers of sand and mud. As more and more layers covered these remain, pressure on them built up. Eventually, the layers of sediment turned into sedimentary rock. Over millions of years, the plant and animal remains changed into oil and natural gas.
Benefits of fresh air
Fresh air is the air that contain a lot of OXYGEN and smell very different for the air that are being pollute. Fresh air most of them are abundant in the countryside. This great air most is come from trees, because trees eat CARBON DIOXIDE that destroy people health and give out OXYGEN that people need it very important to be alive on Earth. Therefore, Why people need very important air like this?
For this question have many answer and the first answer is people need OXYGEN to breathe and the OXYGEN is abundant in fresh air, so people need OXYGEN like need fresh air. For people, No OXYGEN like no life and also for trees is just the same.
The second answer is make people more healthy when they breathe a lot of fresh air. According to the doctor said that more OXYGEN in people body mean that more healthy they are.
The final answer is fresh air can make a very horrible and dangerous feeling that can make people angry, do something bad like stole, kill....etc and can not do anything success. That feeling name's Stress. When you go to the countryside, you have a feeling of release and very fresh in your body, because you have breathe the fresh air that full of OXYGEN that was very important to your life. Breathe fresh air make you feel very fresh and can do everything successfully and make longer life.
Thank for reading and please leave a comment. :-)
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Suggestion for make some nature mine will not disappear so soon
Natural mine like oil, gas, wood and some of other important mine in the Earth will have disappeared , because from the past to now we are used this very much and it didn't grow anymore ,so the suggestion of solve this problem is very simple, but I afraid that some people couldn't make it.
The first suggestion is decrease the percent of use oil or gas that help in two way. This make this Earth decrease air pollution and the second is make life more easy by breath the fresh air and also some of the oil and gas that wouldn't grow anymore will not disappear so fast.
The second suggestion is ride bikes more than cars or motos. This also help in two benefits also. It could help people more healthy with the exercises by riding bikes and is make the air fresh that could also make people more healthy too.
The final suggestion is to grow more trees and stop cutting down more trees ,so the natural wood will not disappear anymore.This suggestion is the most helpful for people and the most difficult suggestion that people very difficult to do.
That all for this one and I hope that people may see this suggestion and stop cutting down the tree.
How can fresh water be polluted?
Oceans are polluted by people dumping wastes and spilling chemicals. Fresh water can be polluted too in many ways.
Precipitation: Rain or snow may pick up pollutants from the air. Some chemicals in the air make the rain turn into acid. Acid rain harms living things and property.
Runoff water: Fresh water also gets polluted as it run off over the land. Water that runs over dumped garbage can end up in streams and lakes. In some cases garbage is dumped into rivers.
Groundwater: As water soaks down through the soil, it can pick up chemicals, such as pesticides.
Industry: Water used by industry gets polluted as it is used. For example: water that is used to help produce paper is filled with fibers and chemicals.
people: Every time you flush the toilet, take a bath, brush your teeth, or wash dishes or clothes, water is polluted with wastes.
Because of local pollution, many families use water-treatment devices in their faucets. Some families have to use bottled water for cooking and drinking.
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