Hello!! My name is Nam Chhiv. I like to introduce you all about my blog and my life, and also about my study, too. First, I tell you about my studying from the past until now. Things that I have done everyday is studying. I've done bad things and good things, like the bad things are I haven't done my homework, talk a lot in class and don't pay attention and the good things are Post Winner and the good stuff like writing improvements. Everyday I love to do blogging but I have no time because I'm busy studying Khmer and French and in English class I usually do the blog by the teacher. That's all about my studying.
Second, I tell you about my blog I've done every time. The first blog I've posted is my first improvement, the title is ABOUT MY_LIFE and if you want to know about my blog history, I will tell you all my blog I've posted:
. Lost In The Cave Of Forest
. Things That Made My Teacher Angry !!!
. My Home Blog...!
. Things I'm Best at...
. I am your new teacher!!!
. Why I always forgot to do my homework???
and the last is here All About My Important Things!!!! I love improvement because I want to improve my English like reading, writing, listening, spelling and the most important is grammar.
Then, I gonna tell you my last thing but it's not so important. It's about my life and I tell you the true story of my life everyday. The first thing is I introduce you about me, I am 12 years old and I love blogging, every free time I watch TV and play internet like social, watch video and play online games. My hobby is cycling, gardening, and reading. But I don't reading so much, I always do my home work like cleaning my room. When I'm getting bored, I think of my future and my dreams. My future is to get a highest pay job like a doctor and I have two dreams, my first dream come true and I will get to study in Canada with my sisters, that's my second dream. That's all you need to know about me. I wish you all will improve your English, GOOD LUCK!!!