Some of what I write here won't be about the blog. For example, if someone has done well in reading then you'll be told about it in 'The Good Stuff.' Or, if someone has spoken superbly, or used critical thinking skills, then I'll write about it here. Have you shown a strong improvement in your English or study skills? Then maybe you will see your name below!
19th July, 2011:
Let's kick 'The Good Stuff' off with some students who did well in reading and writing.
First, you'll remember we did the 'Guidebooks' reading where you had to choose the best book for each person or couple. One student did this reading particularly well- he quickly read the story and answered the questions 100% correctly! Excellent work, Chorpoan!
26th July, 2011
OK, so we watched the DVD, "On the Beach," and then I asked you to summarize the story using 75 words or less. This was a hard task but it is an important skill to learn for your study. One student did an excellent job of writing about the important points. That person was Bun Theb. Well done!
Some of you are already showing big improvements in your writing and I saw that in your "The day I made my teacher angry," posts.
Vatey's post was clever and she showed that it is important to think about mistakes when we make them. Remember we can learn a lot from the errors that we make!
Moniroth and Pheata showed me that they can write well and I am pleased with the improvement they have shown. And Witch used some good vocabulary and strong sentences in her writing. Incredible!!
Reach's post had some very strong grammar and I thought that Vuth told a very good story. And Yako Kuri has written consistently good stories since we begun blogging.
Megaboy also showed a big improvement in his writing as did Linda. Linda writes using an interesting style- she is different from everybody else!
Finally, Pisey is one of our best writers and her post last week was a good effort. It was nearly one of "The Posts of the Week," so well done Pisey!
2nd August, 2011
First, let me make special mention of Leaksmey. Leaksmey has excellent pronunciation- you guys should listen to her carefully when she speaks! (she did some good writing, too!)
There was a lot of good writing on the blog this week. Phanith, Rithysak and Seth all showed a big improvement in their work. Well done guys!
There was also some very good work from Witch and Yako Kuri. Witch made me want to visit the chocolate shop that she wrote about!
Reach wrote using good grammar- again! And Seihak, Leng and Nam Chhiv wrote well, too! Nam Chhiv's last paragraph was excellent and I liked Leng's work, too (How about some paragraphs, though Leang?)
Pisey had a really good story, again, and I liked this : 'Shout, Shout, I want to shout...after that I feel good..."
I'd also like to make a special mention of Kheang, who has improved so much in his writing- his latest post was his best by far!
Magaboy's post was very good and of course Pichny, who always writes well, did so again this week!
Were you the Mad Scientist who created the Pazard? Or did you create a Gorrion, or a Tigon? Maybe your new animal was a Shakon, or a Domel or perhaps a Mantibear? Or did you decide to make a Skunkygoat?
If you created any of these new animals then maybe you will win a prize for being the best mad scientist! I have been asking some other teachers which new animal they like best. Be patient, I'll tell you the winner soon!
13th August, 2011
It was great to see Marcus and Seth write with so much imagination- it's much more fun for the teacher to read when students are creative.
I think that Huoleng continues to improve in his writing-well done!
Magaboy did some great research on dinosaurs and then wrote is story all in his own words. Excellent!
And finally both Moninich and Samnang did some extra writing at home and posted it on the blog. Their writing will improve for sure!
26th August, 2011
Public speaking can be difficult, can't it? So well done to you all for 'A Day in the Country,' presentations. You all did well.
Hey, and I though that animals having Facebook in 2050 was funny. And having a computer mouse made out of a mouse, in 2050? Hmmm...!!! :-)