Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Suggestion to solve problems

Prompt: Problems are part of the life. Learning to resolve them often takes time and practice. How do you resolves problem that you have with friends? Tell your suggestions for working things out.

Problem is like a big rock that make life very terrible. People in the world usually has problems. Just as me, my life had faced a lot of problems already,but it should be many more in the future. How could I continue my life, if I don't solve the problem. Here are some suggestion to solve the problem.

First of all, solve problem is start from why that problem happened. I mean where the problem came from. For instance; in my house during I was doing blog on computer and suddenly something goes down, so my work has stopped for a moment by the problem, I started to look at the meter box, and saw the main switch is go down. Next, I turn the main switch on everything just come back to normal and I could continue my work. This is the way that I solve my problem ,but this is the first important part of the suggestion.

Second, the next suggestion is forgive. For example; I have a problem with my friend and I want to solve this problem. I start to look at where the problem came from.Then I found that it was my friend false and he also know. Next, he said that he was wrong ask me to forgive him, so I decide to give him some advice and forgive him. Finally, I and my friend is being like normal . The problem is solve by forgive each other when he or she know their mistake. This is the second suggestion of solve the problem.

The last suggestion is avoid the problems. Problems are part of the life ,but we also can avoid it. To avoid problems is learning from the mistake that you faced already in your life and stop make it a again. For instance; I make a mistake at spell the word "assistant". Then, when i go home I remember to write it many time. After that I come back to school and the teacher ask me to write it again and I write it right. The teacher is happy. This is the best way to solve problem.

In concluding, problem isn't the difficult thing to face. If you know how to solve it, it will be easy in your life in the future. Good luck, thank for reading my post.


  1. Your post is very good because you include a lot of advice to resolves the problem.

    From: COWBOY

  2. Hey, man! Good post you have here. Well, you missed some part of grammar after all. Like u know, you forgot to change it in to past tenses. Here the mistakes you have made, but let me correct you the new ones,

    *For distance, In my house, During I was doing my blog on my computer and suddenly something goes wrong with my PC, therefore my work has stopped for a moment by the problem, I started to look at the meter box, and saw the main switch was went down.' :)

    There are still some mistakes in there. I can't correct them all. ^^
    And that's the problem like you observed above too. :) Try to check things out, okay? Hopes this is my good suggestions for you.
    From: Samnang (Your good friend).

  3. Thank for the suggestion samnang(my good friend)
    i have already correct it. wish you in post of the with, but before that i have to look at your post first.

    from Magaboy
