Hello,everyone!!I want to tell you about one creepy story is called''The creepy house''.
One day one sister and one brother were cycling up to one little mountain.The sister name's Tracy and the brother name is Tim.Then they two were cycling for 5hours already.They were very happy for cycling it.Then they two were very very tired.When they went down the little mountain they were very sleepy and it's near the night.
Then they went down,Tracy saw one big old house and she said''Hey Tim,Are you want to go in that house and relax''.''No,sister I sure I don't to go in because I very nervous''said Tim.''It's okay Tim it's don't have anything in there,now let's go in and relax''said Tracy ,too.When they went in to the Tim said ''Wow,it's so beautiful in here because here have many old property,I want to go upstairs and view some old picture''.And Tracy said''No,Tim you cannot go upstairs ''.Then Tim was went up very quietly.He don't wanted his sister know it .Then Tracy heard a creepy noises that said''Don't went upstairs.''.Then she shouted ''Tim watch out the stair will be ruin.Tim didn't believe it.Suddenly the stair was ruin it come down.Then one ghost was help Tim and talk the creepy noises said''Your brother is okay!".
When she the noise she started to shout and took her brother to the and they were cycling to home.
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