This is the last time for me to do the blog I want to say bye bye to the blog! I like blog in yl10 , but I have to study in other level. So I have to say goodbye to blog.I don't wanna say that because I like it.
Blog is good for me because blog always improve my writing and my reading ,so blog is very good. And I want to say thank about blog.
And now I want to thank to my teacher that he always try to teach me and I like him because he is a very funny man and he is a good teacher because when he teach he always teach slowly and easy for student to understand. And he is always be funny in the class to make the student laugh and he try to find some good grammar to teach us. he is very handsome and he is a good teacher for me.
Now it time for me to say goodbye to my teacher and to the blog. I like all of you and I want to see you next term ,but I have to change to another branch. I miss all of you so much. And I wish my teacher successful in his life and happy all the time with his family.
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