Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!I think today is the day we say goodbye T.T u all must be so wondering why i say goodbye at this time?????????????????.......................................................Because.........................................
I have to pass to yl11 next term so I have to say goodbye now I really hope to see you all in yl11 you all should come and study at ACE with me and all of my friends and i think we can be friends because my friends and I are friendly and cute(=^.^=)...............................
I really really don't want to leave this class but I want to pass to yl11 after yl15 I have to move to SINGAPORE like 2 years more I will study there and live there but 1year I will visit PHNOM PENH 1 time don't worry.....................................
I will never ever break my promise =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=] I will visit you all soon best wishes MELODY..............................:D^^((^^))((((^^)))I will gonna miss you all:D...........................hey I forget to tell you something if you want to come to study at ACE you should tell me because there's 2 good English teachers that i like and most of my friends like they are teacher Deborah and teacher Philip they are the goodest teacher in ACE OK so I think that's it for us it's time to say goodbye to yl10 and say hello to yl11 goodbye yl10 and goodbye everybody....................=]=]=]=]=]=]=];D:D((((((^^))))))))
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