Monday 22 August 2011

JabbA Photography ....... [Ô]

Hi .........JabbawockeeZ.....hear again...let me show you something............photographer's me....i told you already at the first time that taking photos was 1 of ma favorites hobby........i love it ...every time in summer holiday or in the weekend i like to go somewhere that are natural like mountain or around countryside..........i always go there with my older know why..?because.....he is a student that study at the photographer class at his university.....and he work very good with camera .............and i ask him to teach me ..........

.......about photographers ,.........there are many photographers in the world but ......the photographer that i aspire to be like is ...Ansel Adams.......the master of photographer.......sadly he already pass away but i really love the photo that he shoot.....however.....they are black and white photos but i really like it ....some of his photos are talking about the environment(but this picture was road it's woderfull)..........i have some information about him to tell it is:
Name: Ansel Adams..
Born in February 2o, 1902....San Francisco.., California..... April 22....1984......Carmel..,California.......He is an American Photographer
Other...: Ansel Adams was a masterful photographer and a lifelong conservationist understanding of.... and respect for.... the natural environment. Although he spent a large part of his career in commercial photography, he is best known his photographs landscapes...
At age twelve Adams began playing the piano. He was serious about music and decided to pursue it as a career...there are many of his information if you interest to know more you can cheek it in the internet..................his Camera I don't know how to explain but there are some picture about that camera will show you a lots............

about me .......i like taking photo but it not mean that i gonna be the photographer in the the future ....,i just love it ...... just my hobby..........and why i love it????..............because i love natural thing ...when i taking the trip to another country with my family i will be the camera men....oh no !! the camera women .....................

camera..............there are many 2 kind of camera .....Film and i use digital camera is Canon model ...(it not mind ma brother's)...but i rweally love Film Camera .....actually it difficult to use..........but I love it ......(:..................

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