Post(s) of the Week

Check here for the 'Post of the Week,' winner(s).

Remember, anyone can win 'Post of the Week.'

True, 'Post of the Week,' may be won by the person who uses excellent grammar. But other times the winner might be the person who has told the most interesting or funny or scary story. Or, the winner may be the person who had a great idea and  tried to tell a story in a different way- remember taking risks in your writing is a sure-fire way of improving.

And sometimes the winner will be the person who has worked hard, tried their best and shown a big improvement in their writing.

Have fun!

For the week ending Friday 8th July, 2011 I have chosen three 'Posts of the Week.' Here they are: (click on the links to read the story)

This is by Pichny and in this post she gives some good advice on reading. I especially liked this sentence: 'Some people think reading books is very very boring but all their thoughts are wrong.'

Good work, Pichny!
Here's a post by Pisey. She has given a lot of interesting details and talked about emotions in her post. I liked the way she wrote about 'cappuccino,'too. Nice job, Pisey!
This is a post by Seihak. It's well written and the grammar is strong. Excellent, Seihak!

For the week ending Friday 15th July, 2011
This week there are 3 writers who are joint-winners of "Post of the Week." Well done to all 3 of you! Here they are:(click on the links to read the story)
This post is by Pichny. It is a well-told story and the second time that Pichny has written a post of the week.Check out the perfect use of paragraphs, too.Excellent!
Here you can see the writing of Nam Chhiv. The story is really interesting and again it is told well. This post would be even better if it was broken up into paragraphs but still, it is a good job!.

For the week ending Friday 22th July, 2011

This week there are joint-winners of 'The Post of the Week'Check them out by clicking on the links.

First up is Pichny. Again! Keep up the strong writing, Pichny! 

And the second 'Post of the Week is from Samnang! It's good to see your name here, Samnang!
For the week ending Friday 29th July, 2011 I have chosen three 'Posts of the Week.' Here they are: (click on the links to read the story)
  Again we have three 'Posts of the Week'

First up, is Vuth!His 'My Stupid Friend,'post is a good story and I enjoyed reading it. There are some problems with grammar but the writing style and story is interesting. Well done, Vuth!

Second up is Moniroth.In her post she tell us about her best friend. It's a gentle, and engaging piece of writing. Excellent! 

Finally, I chose Samnang's 'Life isn't comfortable like some people think.' Click on the link to see why...

 For the week ending 5th August, 2011 I have chosen only one 'Post of the Week.'(click on the links to read the story)  

And the winner is Baaaaaaaaad Girl! (Leaksmy) Good girl, Bad Girl!!

For the week ending 12th August, 2011 I have chosen three 'Posts of the Week.'(click on the links to read the story)

First up is Yako Kuri with her post about the importance of music in her life. I enjoyed reading her work very much.
Next we have Pisey who wrote a great story with excellent structure.

And finally we have Moniroth for her post about a male cook. It's a great story and the paragraphing is excellent.

Well done to all three!

For the week ending 26th August, 2011

For this week I haven't chosen one particular post of the week. Instead, I think that any of the posts that Magaboy and Vincent have written from home are worthy winners. Both these students have done a lot of extra writing on the blog, lately. Well done to you both- this is the best way to improve your writing!