Wednesday 10 August 2011

The man that want to be a best man chef

People around the world always have ability by their self. Some of people good at dancing, singing, playing sports, running, swimming, cooking....etc. Women is the person that always do a lot of housework such as: cooking, laundry, wash dishes.... But sometimes the man can do the cooking like the woman too.

Today I want to tell you about one man that want to be a chef when he get big. The man think about how he can cook the food well like the women. One day have one man want to be a chef in his future. He try to cook the foods for his self many times but he never cook the foods good and delicious like the woman. So he decide to go to the cooking school to study how to cook the food to make it look good and delicious.

In the morning he get up very early and go to the cooking school to study about cooking the food. At school he try to listen to the teacher that explain how to cook the food and look at the teacher cook the food very clearly. He try to cook the food for him self. When he had finished cooking he tasted the food and it was very delicious.

The teacher say that now he can cook the food good like the woman. He is very happy. He study cooking the food for six months. And now is he exam day. He try to remember about the ingredients and he can cook the very delicious foods So he can pass the exam. He very happy.

When he go home he go to the supermarket very hurry and buy some ingredients. He try to cook the food that his teacher doesn't teach him by him self. But he cannot cook it so he go to the book shops and buy the cooking book to learn more at home. He open the book and he look at the instructions in the book. He follow the instructions in the books well and about one hours ago he can cook the very delicious foods that he want to cook.

He try to cook the food everyday and now he is a best man chef. He open a big restaurant and his restaurant is have a lot of people come everyday .Finally he can follow his dream because he always do all his best and he do it by himself. He very very happy in his life.

Popular Place

In each country have a lot of places to visit. And that places are very beautiful, comfortable, fresh air... And today I'm going to tell you about one country that have a lot of good place to visit, too. It's Cambodia.

Cambodia is the country that have a lot of places to visit. And the pla
ces are very comfortable, beautiful, fresh air also good and delicious food, too. But the most popular places that people like to visit are Angkor Wat and Sihanouk ville.

Sihanouk ville ( Kampong Som) is popular place in Cambodia. There are a lot of expensive and comfortable buildings. The beach and sea are very clean. We can running
on the beach also make a sand castles, too.

At Sihanouk ville t
he place that us can eat lunch near the beach and the food not very expensive. At there have a lot of foreigners and Cambodia people, too. When Khmer New Year or big holiday. And the souvenirs that sell at the beach are beautiful and cheap.

At lunch time there are a lot of foods and the foods are all sea foods like crab, shri
mp, lobster, sea fish... But the most popular foods are boiled crab and fried shrimp.

When eat lunch already some people go sunbathing, swimming, diving, rent boat to go to another islands... At night the road are full of light and crow people.

I really love going to Sihanouk ville because it have a lot of thing to do with our family, when we stress from work or study and when we go there we never forget about this holiday at Sihanouk ville.

Visit Cambodia!!!!

Cambodia is a small country, but Cambodia have many place to visit. Now let see in Phnom Penh.

Let see around of Royal Palace, there are many park for us to visit. especially is Dream Land and Koh Pich popular for girls boys and children, Wat Phnom also a popular place, When we go to Wat Phnom we can see elephants, Wat Phnom like pagoda. The pagoda is on the top of the mountain. Our Museum also famous, We show you about our traditional, culture, King of Cambodia....... Let go see Angkor Wat, Our famous temple Angkor Wat finish in 1145ad, Angkor Wat is an amazing Temple, It has five tops and have a long history. At night, visitor must go to 'Night Market'. Night Market is a place that have a lot of thing made by hand especially FISH MASSAGE, I saw a lot of foreign at there. 'Kulen Mountain' is a famous place too, Before when we went to Kulen mountain we couldn't speak bad words or bad things because it will become truth and now no this story happen like before. If you want to know more about Cambodia curlture you can go to Curlture Village they will show you!!! In Kulen mountain has interesting water fall mean full beautiful of water fall. Sihaknu ville our sea!!! Sea food yummy yummy. Durian of Kompot province, Orange of Porsat province...

SEe!!!! Cambodia Kingdom of wonder.......

The famous designer.

about 10 years ago a woman name Eliade thunder about 25 years old. She was a house designer.She worked at CCOS company. She worked really hard with her computer everyone liked her especially the boss. Eliade was a kind and beautiful woman also she had designed the top rich man in the country since 1980 about 5 years ago everyone loved her designed.

Eliade had designed 295 houses in 1993. In 1996 she had invited to the world famous house designer in China about 300 famouse designers were there she was very excited because she would meet famous designer.

In 2000 Eliade had married with a millionaire in her country . Her husband helped her to built a big fashion hall and all the company in Asia chose her to be a top designer in asia.

My Plan....House!

Today everybody, they want to have a great and a big house. And I want to have a great house too. What's kind of house that you want? What do you want to have in your house?

When I went to a party at my friend's house, I was looking at furniture. It so nice I want to have like my friend. But i can't buy it because I don't have a lot of money. One day I was thinking about my house, I want to have a great furniture, LED....., while I was having a great idea. I bought a lot of gold when It was cheap. I think when the gold is going to expensive I will sell it. But is was opposite of thinking it was cheap then I had bought, I want to sold it soon. When I want to sold it was more expensive. I sold it, and i got $320,000,000.

I was very happy when I got it, I was planed my house. I called engineer to think about it and think about the prices. I was building it. It was had, a huge garage, alarm system, intercoms in every room, basement, guard, cinema screen TV and a whole lot of other cool stuff. I can honestly say that their house is excellent and fun to reside in.

happy birthday mum

Dear mum,

Happy birthday mum I wish mum good luck, good health, have 100 years old ,more beauty,and happy all the time.Especially I'm really want to thank mum so long but I don't have chance. But now I have chance to write post card tell about my feeling.

First thing that I want to thank is thank mum for give birth to me . You had to suffer until 9 months 10 days . 1 month 1 month is very difficult to care me in stomach . you always to abstain from a certain food , always went to hospital to observe stomach. On the day I saw sunlight is day you have finish one difficult work. But have one more difficult work to earn a living me until me now.

Second thing that I want to thank is you give me to school, have to support me and paid for me to go to good school . You have support me eat, clothes. You have find money to paid for me . I think you very hard always to educate me to do anything good don't want me to do anything bad and always teaching me to have knowledge.

In the end I want to say thank mum to give birth to me and I want to say I always do a good child .

from : your child

A flood disaster in Australia

One day,last year I was traveling to Australia.When the airplane was nearly landing I was very happy because I wanted to view the city in there.Then I walked to airport with my family.And I called the taxi and the taxi took us to my aunt and uncle house that was nearly the top of one mountain.When I stand infront of my aunt house it was very beautiful.Then my aunt came out and took our bags to the house.And we were talking about us.

Then she took us to the Sydney to see the old opera house.There are a lots of people over there.I stayed there for one week.One day to one day we always traveling to everywhere.We were eating a lots,but I missed Khmer food.I started boring by one day to one day.

And only two more days then we went back to our country.I liked my aunt and uncle,they were friendly and liked us, too.Then one more day we have to go.On that day we don't go anywhere,we just stayed at home.We cooked the Khmer food for my aunt and uncle to eat. They said ''It's was delicious''.Then it was not good on the ground.Then in the city was having a flood.And we can't go back to our country.I was very afraid.I watched the TV.Many people were die.
The government said ''It's was a natural disaster we were so sorry to our people that were die and disappearing''.And two weeks later the flood were gone.And we can also went back home.

Descovery about Tiger and Cheetah!!!

Hi!!! Everybody do you know how many kind of a tiger? I think that there many kind.but today i want to tell everybody about two kind of tiger.The two kind of tiger that i want to tell is ther tiger and the cheetah.

I know that tiger are a very dangerous animals that eat meat for their food. they eat about 1 or 2 kilo in one time so I try to tell everyone that you should stay away from the tiger. I think that the tiger is a very lazy animal because when I go to the zoo I saw them always sleep and if some one shout at them they never wake up.A tiger have a very sharp teeth and can run a lot miles per hour. specially the cheetah they can run up to 76 miles per hour.but one thing the cheetah not the same as the white tiger they to eat fish for food. this animal have a lot in Africa because in Africa has a lot of mountain and high grasslands .That are all about what I want to tell everybody.I hope that is everybody has look at this post you should know some information about the cheetah and the tiger.

The music is my style.......

Now I want to tell you about the music....I like the music very much because the music can make me happy and not lonely....All the people always sad, lonely, or anything else. They want to make their feel happy, but they don't know What should they do to make their feel happy? They don't want to tell another person they want to stay alone. So they can listen the music.

There are a lot of kind of the musics. They are rock, romantic, slowly, or hip hop. I always listen the music when I feel like that. One day I have one story that i can't tell you. I was sad. So I wanted to stay alone in the park. I didn't know how to make my feel to happy back? When I stayed alone I thought I could took my ipod to listened the music. When I listened the music my feel was very happy. So I think the music is the one of my friend. Music can make us happy.

The music is one style that you can get. Now the people always get the music to make the style like dancing in their song. In this generation the people always watch the Korean music because they always dancing a lot of style in their song. Their style are very interesting. Their songs have a different dancing style and when the people watch their song are very interesting and want to watch again and they try to dance by their self.

The hills are alive

Some countries around the world don't know how important the hills are ? Some hills are lost due to people. Why did I say like that? Do you know WHY? Because some people never think about the future. They take rock which from the hill to sell and make another construction.

In Cambodia, the hills are all around the country. The hills are protected by the government and also people who live near them. Some people asked me, why we have to protect the hills? I think, the hills are very important because they give us a lot of good advantage such as fresh air, water to farm and they can stop the flood, too.

You know, Cambodia has never had any flood or earthquake just because there are lots of hills. I am very happy to hear that the government really take care about the hills. Now the hills in Cambodia are alive because of all people around our country protect them.

Life of Monkeys

Monkey is a kind of animal that look like people.Monkey can do many things like people, but they can be dangerous too.Many people like to play with monkey and sometime they take them as a pet.Many of monkeys live in South Africa ;South America and South of Asia.Monkey have many kind.They like to live in the forest.Sometime people try to sell the monkeys to get money.Monkeys like to stay on the trees.Their food are fruits and vegetables, but I guess they like the best are banana.They can run and jump very fast and high.Monkeys will attack you when you chase them.When they have babies, They always put their baby on their back or put under their stomach.When across they across the water, sometime their baby can die because they put them under their stomach.Now some kind of monkey had been extinct, like baboo.Baboo have black fur and huge.Monkeys can be friend with people if people take care of it and take them as a pet.Monkey it a kind of animal that like a good friend of us.So we shouldn't make them extinct.

The farmers working very hardly

Long time ago, people at the country side was working very hardly they grow rice, feed fishes dark and hen. In there, In the morning wife and husband were wake up very fast because they have to work they don't have free time must work together;
_wife was working at home like cleaning house; cooking food; feed the dogs
_husband was going to find food like hunting the animals or fishes for his family.

Rain's season was coming the farming was going to grow the rice, when the crops was grown up the farmer have free time but they didn't have free time everyday one or two day only.

The best guitar player

Hi every body:-) ! I'll tell you about one people that he like to play guitar very much . His name's Bill . Today he is only 18 years old . He study at one university in London . He is not good and not bad student in class just simple . But he is good at playing guitar . He have join one group in his school and his group name is Music POP , he is good at music too . Now I want to tell you when he was young .

When he is 3 year old his mother was died , he lived with his father and his grand mother but his grand mother like him very much because he is a good and smart boy . After his mother died his father has search for the new job in London . His job is taxi driver . He live in rent house . Sometime 1 month he came back home 2 times and sometime 1 month he came back home 1 time . But one day when Bill has 6 years old his father was died because of the accident . So Bill orphan boy . But he's not a poor boy because his grandmother took all of her money to made a restaurant . She sent bill to school . But Bill wanted to studied at Music school so his grandmother sent him to Music school . His music teacher like him very much because he is good at music.

When he is 15 years old he join one group name is Music POP . And his school have 3 groups of music but his group is the best group in school , his group has 1 gold medal too . All student in school like him very much . :-)

Football is important

Hello! every body my name's SOPHANITH.And I want to tell you about football. It's important for your life and your sport. It's really to help body , power , strong body to help a heart. All the people in the world want to play a football but we don't have much times to play it. Another people in the world want to play football but some people don't want to play it.For myself I like play football. And I want to play it the best. And also I like watch football on the my TV. It's important for your training.If you want to be a best football you would be watch football , training every day and also you will need a Instructor. At FIFA 2010 winner is Spain.I like athlete in Spain. All team at English I like team Manchester United because that team win a lot of champion and important club. A long time FIFA world cup come I watch it with Father and so very happy.And I think all the people around the world watch it so happy. Finally i wish all people around the world want to be a manager of club. Thank you for see my story. Bye bye.

The internet around the world

Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks that have a lot of thing such as History, Shopping, Geography , designing..........and many more.Internet can use around the world by using any type of connection.

Internet is made in 1950s with the development of computers that can connected from a computer to another computer by a big wire(or we can say cable).But now Internet can be connect by wireless(we call WIFI) so now Internet can be play on phone, i pad , i pod and TV.By Internet we can open million of million page information over the world with the most popular web browser Microsoft Internet explorer.Today on Internet we can download many of files,watch video, listen to music and watch TV also by WWW(world wide web).

Internet is now what you see my paragraph so internet is very cool.but warning there are many trickier in internet too.......

The Great Wall in China Y_Y

Hello every body in the Internet . My name is sochea I want to tell you about the China country . China country has a lot of the big and tall building . And this country has the population in China maybe 1.3 billion people .

In China is a bigger country . And the people in china they are speak Chinese and this country is very interesting because of this country has a very long Great Wall and has a lot of the old town in the China . This country has a capital city in China is Beijing . In the Beijing has a lot of the karate school . and the best in china is food . Food in china country is every interesting like the soup and BBQ ...... . In this country also has the mountain and some mountain has people live on the mountain . And China has a very old and interesting culture . And China has a very good citizen .

If i can go to the China I want to visiting the Great Wall first . I think is very important for me because i want to look far a way like the Great Wall .

No Music, No Life.

I'm here to talk about Music this time, It's one of my inspirations, and I prefer to listen it everyday. By the way, Do all of you want to know, How many types of music are there? What make people extremely like it? Is it good or bad for us to listen? Why or Why not? And I'm going to answer of these questions down there. :D

There are many types of Music, such as: Rock, Pop, Classical, Romantic, Country, Hip hop, Rap, R&B, Blues, Reggae and many many more. Well, People like Music, because it helps you to release of split out your sadness things in your mind. And it goes everywhere with you, If you got the music in your MP3, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Laptop or something like that. And, yes! It's good for us, because if you listen it while looking at the lyric of the song. You'd be able to learn lots of difficult vocabularies. And for those who wants to be a singer in the future, they can learn how to sing like other celebrities and you can take their experiences to help you.

But sometimes it's bad lol, because we don't focus much on our study, we're too addict. xD And yeah! Music becomes my best friend now. I don't know why, Music lives in my heart. So I can't miss it. In addition, I want to tell people that music isn't bad nor good. If you're boring, please needs them. It's okay. :)

That's all for today. :D Thanks you!

HoMe... ChoCoLaTe HoMe....!!!


Home is a comfortable refuge for all the people around the world...

All of people hope that they can live with there family in a sweet home and happiness in their whole life... Some can get successful in this goal but some not... :( Not only people that need a home the animals too...

Today the house is really easy to find and buy it, moreover if don't have enough money for buy it you can rent it or pay in the month for buy a house with a cheap loan... Beside this a house now are with a lot of price and size for you to choose too... Moreover is you have lot of money you can buy a land and build your dream house at there like a big house and have a beautiful colorful garden around it, a big blue swimming pool or buy a house in apartment is a good idea too... woW... so great..!!! If you don't have enough money as I told you just rent a house or buy a small house like a house with a 2 bed rooms, 1 kitchen and 3 bathroom is better than stay in hotel room, right????... ^_^

You can enjoy a happy time with your family everyday in your chocolate home... For me I hope that I can have a small house with a 1 living room, 2 bed rooms, 1 kitchen and 3 bathroom and just a small garden in front of my house... yeah, I want to decorate my house with my own style because stay in house that with your own opinion is a good life... Now I'll explain about my dream house:

first is living room, I think that light green is bright and happy color so I pain a light green in my living room, I need only a set of dark green sofa.... A stand vase near the sofa and the picture on the wall... 1 air conditional in the living room is enough for me... The light green in the living so the best carpet for it is a cross between black and white... agree??? just close your eyes and dream it...

Second is my 2 bed rooms, hmmm, light blue is the color that fit with my light pink bed.... A light purple window is the good thing to view the sun in the morning and moon in the night... I think that I should have a desk and 1 clothes on my room too(A wood desk and clothes *_*)... In the room should have a bath room in it...

The last is kitchen just so simple, have lot of space and have a big table and 5 chairs is good... My small garden is absoluly attractive with a colorful flower.... Oh.. If it become true I'll cry...!! T_T

So start to dream about your house future and stay in a lollipop family... Join your happy life now...!!!!!!!!!!

One unbelievable story

Today I'm going to tell you tell about one unbelievable story. last year I was on a summer vacation me and my family were going camping at a forest and near the forest there a sea . When I arrived I though the sea was a pond so asked my mom could I went swimming and my said OK so I went swimming but when arrived it wasn't a pond it was a sea and I went back to told my mom that it there a sea near the forest and my mom went to checked it out.
when we arrived at the sea there was a jetty and there was a man standing on it. he has yellow t-shirt a white hat a black jean and he carried a yellow flag on the yellow flag there a number on it the number is 564 and he always said " when are they coming "every days . My mom told me not to talked to that man and when we turned around there was a village.
The village was small but there are a lot of friendly there. When my mom saw the village she told me to not to move because she went to get dad. When my mom came back dad decided to stay in the village. Then at 8:00 o'clock I look out off the window I saw a huge sea monster at the jetty and the man was riding the sea monster and said " you finally came " and on the sea monster there a number on it and the number is 564 and it turned out the sea monster was his pet. In the morning I told the villager about it but no one would believed. So that it that the story of one unbelievable summer .

Relaxing day ^^ so jute-^.^-

Hi!!!!!!!!!and welcome to my world stories again^^it's me Melody today I have a really good story that yo will like it^^^(^__^)><.

This story started with a beautiful looking young woman she was sitting and working on her computer and read newspaper she was wearing a good looking shirt ^^ wow!!! she sound so cute and beautiful.

A few minutes later she hear something from the window and than she looked fastly at the window you all must wondering what was that?right?^^

she saw beautiful flowers and birds they weresinging and they were so beautiful where is that place? u must wondering right?i'ts at sokha siem reap at siem reap even me I like it I went there many times already ok that's all for today bye guys hope to see you all again soon^^!!!(^_^)

Pizza job

Pizza delivery is a job of one man.He is a good man he never came late for his work or late by other reason.The owner of the shop never punish him because he always delivered on times.And his salary are the same like other man.He never has a problem with his customers.

One night the weather is rainy and he was driving his motor to deliver the pizza at 8pm. The deliver location was in southern town and was 7 miles away from the shop. He delivered all the times that gives him 1 or 2 dollar or what ever is left over.
He didn't care and he thought it was his destiny . He arrived at the location in the wet road and his dirty motor.He was pounding on their door because they are not answered the phone.
Then he called their phone 10 times with his cellphone right outside of their house and they still not answered
He couldn't take it anymore so he went back headquarter and his boss calls again and again so They answered and said they were there the whole times.Then he headed back to the house and They told him,''Next time you must knock the door harder''.He responded,''I called with my cell phone10 times,too''.They responded,''Oh, really we never ever answer the phone.It's always tax collector for their mother''.
Then he didn't said anything he just smiled and left with 38cent tip from their hands and wanted to yell,''why the hell did you answer it from my boss!.But he stopped himself.He never got angry like that day.

Fortunately,when he headed back to the headquarter his boss gave him 6 dollars more for his hard work job and the man was happy. ''I must be polite and respect to the customers and it also a part of my job too'' He said.