Wednesday 7 September 2011

No title

These Might be the last time I write a blog .
 Q-What do you think about Blog ?
A- Well, I think it fun . I can express my feeling through blog. I feel awkward to express my feeling and i think nobody will listen to me  But in this blog I feel confidence to write and YL10 students can read my post.
Q- What does the blog help you ?
A- I have improve my vocabulary, Grammar , and writing skill  by this blog. Before I used to play Computer games at home. But now I Search for a new vocabulary when I have free time.

Finally I would like to apologize to my Teacher. I am the one who wrote 'why' on the post ''My first experience
of being a teacher''. I wrote 'why' Because Last time when I play game I told you About Cambodian Noodle.
And you didn't accept  it . Sorry Teacher !! I couldn't Apologize you because I was too nervous .

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