Wednesday 27 July 2011

I am the best

Hi!!! ^^ all friend again I'm Moninich, ok....... I will tell everybody about the thing that I am best at..... ok, I am best at spelling , writing is not better :P,,,,, reading good and listening is fail , because the CD is speak so fast , I can't hear it but now I much leaning listening very well (^_^) . Maybe everybody is the best than me right , It just I think :D bye bye <3.
Oh wait ..... I forget one thing , I am best at computer I'm very good in them but good on typing ^^ anything is a litter good ...... and play facebook or game me is too much one day for 3 or 2 hour sometime my mummy said don't play facebook or game too much just do homework or study something is much leaning for your study ok... but I just play not do anything,,, I tell you all friend don't do like me just study ok.... bye now....

The Best Thing I Can Do

Prompt: What are some of the things you do well? Write about the thing that you are best at.

The Best thing I do well at home is make my whole family happy. This is a best thing I want to do because making
whole family happy is also make my self happy. In order to make my family happy are First, I have to be a good student, a good son, or a good boy and always respect my family, who are older than me. Second, I must show them that I always study so that they appreciate that I am a good boy.

The best thing I do in school is study well to make my family and my teacher happy. Study is very important to me.
In order to study well, the first thing that I must do is listen to my teacher's explanations and start to practice in class.. Second, Is to try my best to study at home and try to understand well.

My Best Things

Hello everyone today I have an interesting Prompt to tell you

Prompt : What are some of the things you do well ? Write about the thing that you are best at :)
I think everyone all around the world have a lot of things that they good at and also me, too. I have a lot of things that I'm good at. And today I'm going to tell you about the things that I'm good at.

The first one is Study. I really love to study Khmer and English. Because I think study is the good thing for our future. In Khmer school I'm the student that love Math subject very much and also good at Math, too. Math is my favorite subject. And when Math time I always understand all the lessons that my teacher teach to me also my friend, too. And the homework that my teacher give to me I always do it well and have good scores.

When the exams come I don't worry about Math and also the other subjects, too. Because until I have mistake with my Math teacher I try to study hard everyday. At home in my free time I always try to study hard all the subjects but the special one is Math. But me not study at all my free time I also make time less half an hour to play sports and also go for a walk with my family. And also in English time I try to listen to the teacher and do all the homework that the teacher give me .

The second one is Playing Sports. I think all the people are like playing sports because sport is the exercise that make us strong and good health. I like to play sport with my sister very much. And the sport that we like to play are ride bike, running, badminton... But the most sport that we like and interest in is Basketball. I don't have time to play basketball and my house is small don't have space to play, too.When we have time less from study we always plays sport.

And the last one is Reading Books. Me and my sister are like to read the book because
I think read the books can improve our vocabulary, reading... When me and my sister go to Library or Book Center we always buy a lot books like true story, ghost and comic. And I also be a star reader, too. I have read a lot of books and the books that I borrow are very interesting to read. I think all of you have to read a lot of books like me. It important for us like me say.

This is my best things that I have. And thank a lot teacher and also my friend that read my post this week. :) :)

How I growing up

1. Prompt:No one said growing up was easy.Write about a recent incident that was a difficult part of growing up.

Our life is very hard to grow up,so we should get it good for the future.In my life was better than some people.I will get it good for my future, but I don't know that i can do it or not.When I studied in the first grade i felt that the school not safe,but when I study until now i think study is good for my future.I feel sad sometime.When I think about how i grow up i always feel tired and sad.The thing that I feel very sad is someone of my family get away from me.
When I am a kid, I never think about anything and I just want to play.That time is my happy time.When I went to primary school i felt happy to have a lot of friends.When I went to secondary school, I know how to think about my future.When I studied in secondary school I had some argument with my friend.When after that day I am good with him.I think my life is better and i will do good for my future.

My Best Friend Is Valuable To Me!

Prompt: If asked what you value most in life, what would you say? Chances are that good friend and tell why you value him or her.

My best friend is very valuable to me. Before I think learning is more valuable than best friend. But on Monday, April, 19 2011, It's a exam day that I can't forgot. I was doing my exam, I think I can do it without my friend. But It's opposite of my thinking. When I don't know this question I want ask my friend but I think they don't like me. My friend asked me "Can you do it? If can't you can cheat me, It O.K .". I think will say No! or Yes! . My friend say "It O.k don't worries ". I say " em.......yes". Now I can do all of this exam.

On Tuesday, 20, 2011. I was studying math, when I saw my friend was doing exercises I say " I'm Thank you on Monday". My friend's smile and he say "I can't do this exercise can you do it?". I said "let's me see. Oh it's O.k". Break time coming........ I'm stay alone in my classroom nobody speak with me. when I was looking to my pen my friend coming and say "you don't play with them?" I'm smile then he said "If you don't want to play with them you can play with me. Can you play word search?"and he take 2 word search to me.I'm play with him very happy.

Now I know what is valuable to me? It my friend . So I value him because he can help me when I don't understand something and he can make me happy every time. And what are your value most in life? Don't forget tell me...!

I has some problem with my best friend

Hello every body in the Internet . My name SOCHEA STONE BOY now i want tell you about my friend .

His name is HENG and His 16years old . He is my best friend . I study with him 3 year ago I like him so much . He is a good friend for me because he is every good study and he study a lot at home . he can help me every time if I don't know or Don't understood the lesson he can explain me every time. One day teacher has to do the group and I did with the HENG group .Me and HENG has some problem with his because teacher gave some paper to all group in the class and has 10 topic to choose the 1 topic to talking with the people in the group .I read the paper I like the 5th topic but heng is my best he like 7th topic . And I has the problem with him but I still be the friend .
However I had a problem with him in the group I still like to study with him and I still do his friend like before .
I want tall every body in the internet do not talking a lot in the class if you want to make friend you must look about him.her. he/she is a good student or not if his/her is a good student you can do his friend .

"One place call paradise for me"

Prompt:Most of us feel the need for what we call "breathing room" some space to call our own.what is your favorite "space"? Tell where you like to spend time and why the place is special to you.

Everyone have their own world every world are different like peace and quiet or not to be alone like they want someone to near them every time but for me I prefer a peaceful place It is a chocolate shop everyday I spend time a lot in the chocolate shop like sit in a sofa drink hot chocolate with cold air also a soft music.

There aren't a lot of customer because the shop is a quiet place so less people know about that and the shopper who is very friendly I always talk with her about something happen today about me and also she always give me some advice when I have some problem with my friend . Sometime I finish my homework at the chocolate shop and also I bring a lot of friend to the shop too. Actually when I step into the shop I feel like I am step into my house because my house is like my paradise.

My only best friend....

Hi everybody now I want to tell you about my best friend. Her name is Seng Sorya. She is very beautiful and clever. Before I study here I studied at ELT 4 years ago. So I known her 4 years ago ,too. Sorya is a quiet person in the class. She is my first friend that I know. She is a good student in the class. She always listen to the the teacher. When the teacher gave some work to her, she always did very well. All homework that she did always had a good score. When I didn't understand about the lesson yet I asked her and she always explained me every time.

When she has free time, she always helped her mother to do housework, or she read the books. She told me "You can spend a good time with me to read the book, do homework, or help your parents do housework". She always watch the English programs. She never watch another program. Because she doesn't like. She is a good daughter in her house. Her mother love her very much. Because she always listen their advise very well. She said"In the future I want to be a doctor. So I must I try to study hard to become a good doctor".

I'm very happy that I have one best friend like her. So I hope I can be a good person, student, and daughter like her. I must try to study hard like her because she is the only one person that I want to follow thing like her. I remembered her advise that she gave forever.
"A good child for our parents, a good student for our school, and a good person for our society"

Things I'm best at....

Hello! I am the BEST student in the school and Let me tell you my 3 BEST things.

The first thing I'm best at is GRAMMAR, grammar is my favorite subject. I love grammar because grammar is the most important and it's can help you with your speaking and writing.The important in grammar are tense, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, nouns and positions, all of these are things that you have to use. Let's me tell you the important grammar I have studied.

The three tense are simple Present, Past and Future tense, these 3 tense are the easy one, present is easier than past tense. We use present tense when the action is today, now or at the moment. We use past tense when the action is in the past. And we use future when the action is in the future. These 3 tense are tense that you have to know.

The second thing I'm best at is WRITING. I love writing, too but not so much. WRITING is good for your English,too, it can improve your GRAMMAR, SPELLING, also your vocab words but not only writing can improve your English, also reading, listening, and speaking. Speaking is the best part of your English and it's the most important activity for your English.

The third best thing is helping someone with your grammar like, Helping others grammar and it can also also improve your English, too. I help my friends work and also my family work,too. Example, when your parents want you to translate English for them, you have to try it because it will help you with your reading and grammar. I have helped my family work,too, and it's also make my family happy and improve my English. Even you, you can do this either, you can help your family and your friends, if you helped somebody with your grammar, your English will improve. So who's want comment, write a good grammar comment, it will improve your writing and grammar. GOOD BYE!!!

About My best friend !!!!!

Prompt:If asked what you value most in life,what would you say? Chance are that good friend would be high on your list. write about a good friend and tell why you value him or her.

The thing that I value in my life is my friend. he is my best friend that study with me very years. his name is Jame.we has study in ACE about 4 years he is the student that very good at writing skill but I'm not good as him .when the writing task come I always asked him for an help about how to write and the grammar.and when I asked him he always explain it to me .he was my only friend that always help me when i don 't know any things.And the important things about him is when in the free after school he also help his parent to do some washing and cleaning the house.So I write this post because I want everybody in world meet a good friend like me too.

Having a good friend can make we all being happy everyday.

The special places for me

Prompt:Most of us feel the need for what we call "breathing room"_some space to call our own. What is your favorite "space"?Tell where you like to spend time and why the place is special to you.

My favorite place for breathing is go to shopping at the supermarket,but I go there just sometimes only.When I feel tired and bored of the study or anything else I go to shopping with mother and my younger sister.When I buy my favorite something already then I better and better.I'm not buying a lot of thing I buy only my best favorite things it only one or two things.I go there because I will forget all the boring thing that I just have for along times.

That it not the only place that I like.The place that I the most ,too is library in my Khmer school.In my free times I like to read some books that talk about my study , sometimes I rent some books and bring it to home to search some ideas that I don't know in the lesson to remember it before I go to school.When I look the books finish I give the books to the library back.I don't want them say to me that I steal their books.I like to read the books because I can find some words or ideas that I don't know then I can remember, I can study a lot about the books in library and I can read the books all over myself I like to alone.

Life isn't comfortable like some people think.

Prompt: Problems are part of life. Learning to resolve them often takes time and practice. How do you resolve problems that you have with friends? Tell your suggestions for working things out.

Yeah, That's right! Problems are one part of life. Hmm, As you can see the picture above, it's a rock and it says with the word 'Problems' it shows that, Problems are very heavy to hold or we can say keep in your mind. So you SHOULD split it up your problems as soon as possible. =D Everyone has a problem in their life, of course. No one wants problems to happen. We have to deal with it and resolve all our problems in a good way is just we have no choice. :D

I know right? You guys here are want some suggestions from other people. And now I'm going to describe this. Hopes that my ideas might help one of your problems as well. Here it is :)

Life isn't easy like some people thinking. We wouldn't know that the problems might going to happen soon or later on. If everyone knows a problem might have, haha! That would be so calm for us to avoid it, right? But, excuse me! We couldn't know that first unless it happened after it. Hmm, Enough talk about this. Let's talk our main necessary parts, shall we? :D

Well, there are many many ways to end one problem. And, yeah! I'm not going to speak all the ways down there. But, I'll pick the most of great value problems, that people usually have. Like for example, You have an argument between your best friends and you of the total scores this month, and it's because of jealously with yours and his/hers, Am I right? Therefore you shouldn't feel upset or angry with him/her. It was all your fault, because u were misunderstanding followed by the answers and so on. So you should stop mention it, and say sorry nicely to him/her. =] That's one of other ways of working things out. So here is different problem that I'm going to share now.

Hmm, I guess a problem, which people usually have is like a friend told a lie to their friends. And that's also a problem too. Yeah, you shouldn't tell a lie to your friends, it's not good. If we do, then your friends start losing him/her believes wholeheartedly between you from now on. See? So then, everyone won't be able to believe you anymore, when you tell them a story (PS: even it's the real one), still they won't believe it. =) So trust me, DON'T EVER TELL PEOPLE A LIE! Understood? Hehe.. :)

And that's all with my descriptions today. Thanks a million for always reading my stories. Please, leave a comment if there's a mistakes in my posts. ^_^

My Best Friend

My friends are important in my life because they can help me a lot when I don't understand about the homework but my most important friend in my life have only one.

He help me a lot than my another friends, My best friend help me when I don't understand the lessons or homework he give me some Idea or some example to explain me two or three time. When I understand he happy.

One day, when he go home he has a big accident with the car I saw like that I help him and I called the ambulance but he knock out and break his leg so I afraid,I called his parent to tell about this accident when his parent know they went to that hospital to see their son and they thank me but I said he my best friend he helped me a lot so when I saw like that I help him his life like my life.
At the end I want to tell all of you, friends are not bad for us, friends can help us like I said in the story when you read, you understand about friends are important I know your idea the same me.

My best friend

Prompt: If asked what you value most in life, what would you say? Chances are that hood friends would be high on you list. Write about a good friend and tell why you value him or her.

Hello! everybody my name is SOPHANITH.And I want to tell you about my best friend. He's name is SOPHEA. He's 15 years old. He's a clever student and also he is my best friend.He is a good student and a good boy.

My best friend SOPHEA is important in my life because I don't understand about homework or the lesson he can help me to explain. If I don't have a friend I will be fail the lesson.For free time I study with him because I don't know another word he explain me and a homework just finish me and him go to eat something and go to library to borrow a book to read story with him.

Finally I like my best friend because it's important for my study , help me a lot. And all the people in the world will have a best friend for help you. thank you for look my story.

Writing is the best for me!!

Prompt: What are some of the things you do well? Write about the things that you are best at.

You know, everybody always have their own things that they are best at but sometimes they don't know which things that they are. Some people are best at house works such as wash the dishes, clean their rooms, sweep the floor or wash the car and some are good at school works or school subjects. For examples: Math, English or History... .

Grammars, reading,
writing and listening are activities which people like to study. For me, I think, I like writing and I'm also good at writing,too. Last term, that was my new term at ACE. When the final test, do you know what did I get for writing? I got 17. I didn't think, I got the best score like that. I was very happy. Then, when my parents knew that I passed YL9 and writing, I got 17, they were very happy and they were so proud of me.

Studying at YL10, my writing is included more better by Blog. I always write a blog once a week. This week is my third week that my writing on this blog win post of the week. I was very proud of myself. I will keep trying my best for all the weeks. And how about you? Which things that you are best at? Just keep doing your best, friends. I know you can also win post of the week and I think you can do more better than me.

Best friend that always help me

Prompt: If asked what you value most in life, what would you say? Chances are that good friends would be high on your list. Write about a good friend and tell why you value him or her.

Hello everybody, Now I would like to tell you why I value my friend. At my Khmer school I have one best friend. Her name's Dane. She is a very clever student in class and she a very kind girl. Why I say she a very kind girl and why I value her? Because she always help me a lot of things.

At my Khmer school at the lesson time when my classmate and I don't understand about history or maths she always explain us. Sometime she call me to go to study more at her house. In addition she always help and explain me with my homework that I cannot do and she always solve the problem between my friend and I.

One more thing that I don't tell u yet is at the lesson time she listen to the teacher very carefully. She doesn't talk to each other when the teacher explain the lesson. At the break time she never go outside to play with the classmate. She stay at her sit and look at the lesson that study next time.

When exam she study very carefully and she ask me to study with her too. She is a good child she always listen and follow her parent advice that they tell her very clearly. The teacher and the classmate like her very much because she is a good student and a good child. This all thing that make me value her.

My good friend

Prompt : If asked what you value most in life , what would you say ? chances are that good friends would be high on your list .

Now I want to tell you a bout my good friend one his name's Hong . He's 14 years old . He's study in Khmer school with me . He's a good student in my class and my teacher like him very much because when teacher explain the lesson he's listen carefully and silent , Hong's the smart student too . When student in class don't know lesson or have some problem about the exercise he always explain them and my classmate like him too . He's study get number 1 every month . But one month that he's get number 2 because one of his friend sit next to him copy exercises from him and he's know but he's not angry . One day that I have exam I don't do well when have result I got only 60/100 and he's got 95 it's the top score , I'm very afraid and sit alone because I think when I go home my parents blame me then he came to sit next to me and tell me "Don't afraid next month maybe you can have the best score I will explain you when you have some problem about your home work or exercise " . Next month when I have exam again I do well and I got score nearly the top score .

I think he's value for me because if I don't have him explain the exercises when I have problem every day maybe I don't come to be the good student and have the top score like now .

My best that i like to do it

Prompt: what are some of the thing you do well? write about the thing that you are best at.

Hello every one this post i write about what i best at. Now i have 2 best that i want to tell you:


In my study time i am best at math. I like math very much now i just level 8 but i can do exercise at level 9 and i can study level 10 like another student.In my class i am the one of the people that have already learn thing that i study now and in examination i always got highest score than other student.


In entertain time
i am always best at magic.I like magic because it can make people excite and it very cool! Now i have learn more than 100 trick that i can trick people like Crass angel , David blain....... All magic that i have learn is from internet , my friend and my creative.And now i have open my own internet shop that sell all magic tool and secret of some magic. :D

My best friend

Prompt: If asked what you value most in life, what would you say? chances are that good friends would be high on your list.Write about a good friend and tell why you value him or her.

The things that I most value in my life is my friends. I had one best friend he play with me every day at my Khmer school he is a good friend his name is Sokheng. I think he is my best friend because when I'm very sad he always speak with me to solve the problems, at school he also do a good student he always follow the school rules and the classroom rules one hundred percents. He always do all home-works that teacher give him to do, he also help all friends when they do somethings wrong to change the things that they did the things that is not good, also he help the teacher to do many things,too.

At home he also help his parents to do house-works and also help his neighbors to do their works.He follow all the rules that his parents make it.

In the free time he always go out and play soccer with me sometimes he stay at home and review the lesson or he call to me and call me to review the lesson with him.All the teachers at school like him very much because he is a good student.

My best place for breathing out

Prompt: Most of us feel the need for what we call ''breathing room''_some space to call our own. What is your favorite''space''? Tell where you like to spend time and why the place is special to you. Most of people when they tired , have bad feel or have something bad with them. They are always find ''breathing room'' for them self. They are like go to shopping ,go to resort ,go out with friend ,or go to restaurant, etc. For me I always have a lot of homework in Khmer school. If I can do it's okay but when I wasn't understand I was headache, and have a feel like boring . Or when my family blamed me a lot I was boring and angry. When have story like this I like to find''breathing room'' for myself. The place I like the best I always go it's playground. Have only this place can help me feel better. Everyone think why I choose this place because that place have a lot of games to play .I always spend 2 hours at that . When I play game I am very happy and don't have feel boring and tired. In the end I want to say when we have anything bad, boring,or tired please go to find place that better to breathing out.

This what I'm good at

Prompt:what are some of the things you do well ? write the thing that you are best at ?

Hey everybody it me Marcus . Today I'm going to tell you what I'm good at . I'm a person who good at math . I'm good at doing math and playing game. I'm good at math because I like doing math and study about math. In class I always be the one to finish firth and I always be the one to understand firth I always get good score at math even if it a test or a exercise .

I'm also good at playing games. I'm always play games when I have free time. I like playing games also I'm a quick leaner. when ever I play games I only have to play it 2 or 3 time than I good at it and I like playing computer games and X box. when I play computer games I always go online and play with somebody far away. when I play X box I only play a games that fun , interesting and cool like darksider. well that is what I good at and what about you ?