Wednesday 31 August 2011

Snake !

Snake is an animal that are so dangerous and poisonous. it is an animal that is crawl because it has no legs and when it eat food it not chew but it swallow. but there are some of types of snakes that aren't poisonous too. so snake is an animal that can eat people and cow too, so it sound so nervous. we have to take care our self don't play with snake because it can make any people die in a few hours and it can it eat any people when it feel so very hungry. but some people think that snake is an animal that can treat some disease. in Cambodia people consider the snake for food and some people consider that was a very good medicine that can treat some disease. Although, snake is an animal that is so dangerous and poisonous but still have some people took it to play and live with it. so it very strange for snake and people live together. because one day when that snake feel so very hungry it will eat people for food. in Cambodia have many that are connected with a snake story that lived with people but in the end that people still dead.