Saturday 27 August 2011

Be a happy person

I am a optimism people and I love happy. Being a happy person is very fun everyday with no sad, but sometime I can not harm myself not to angry or not to sad and I really try to avoid it.

About me I am optimism, but just sometime I also think something bad too. Why? because sometime I afraid of something I would sad it wouldn't good and I reject that I don't want to go or other reason.

As I said a happy person is a person that happy almost of the time. One thing for sure in school I never sad about my result. even thought I failed or got very low one, I think that this is me, this is my result, this is all I could do and I think I will look for my mistake and check it, so next time no more low score.

For me I really hate cheat and I never cheat in English school. My father said that do not love score more than you can do. It mean that you can do how, so you have to get what you can get not more than you can get. I think the person who cheat in English class are the person that destroy their future and destroy their parents.

These are all I wanted to said thank for reading and please leave a comment.

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