Tuesday 30 August 2011

You play games or games play you?

Games are one of the most entertainment that helpful for reduce stress. Games are very fun and have it benefits, but it depend on people that use it. You play Games or Games play you.

If (you play games), it mean that you use it correctly, so you can gain it benefit and reduce stress. You use it correctly mean that you play it in time limit and also play for gain advantages. You use it when you are boring or stress or to gain some more imagination to help your study and for some fun. Sometime, you think that you use it correctly, but you can addict to it by you didn't know.

If ( Games play you), it mean that you use it incorrectly, so you will gain a very terrible disadvantages. Waste of money, waste of times, addict to the games can't live without it, can't go to school, will not gain anymore knowledge beside from games and many more. These are the very terrible problem that you may face if you use it incorrectly.

For both of this point I think that you all understand and try to use games in correct ways for help you not for fun every time.

Thank for reading and don't forget comment. :-)

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