Wednesday 10 August 2011

Popular Place

In each country have a lot of places to visit. And that places are very beautiful, comfortable, fresh air... And today I'm going to tell you about one country that have a lot of good place to visit, too. It's Cambodia.

Cambodia is the country that have a lot of places to visit. And the pla
ces are very comfortable, beautiful, fresh air also good and delicious food, too. But the most popular places that people like to visit are Angkor Wat and Sihanouk ville.

Sihanouk ville ( Kampong Som) is popular place in Cambodia. There are a lot of expensive and comfortable buildings. The beach and sea are very clean. We can running
on the beach also make a sand castles, too.

At Sihanouk ville t
he place that us can eat lunch near the beach and the food not very expensive. At there have a lot of foreigners and Cambodia people, too. When Khmer New Year or big holiday. And the souvenirs that sell at the beach are beautiful and cheap.

At lunch time there are a lot of foods and the foods are all sea foods like crab, shri
mp, lobster, sea fish... But the most popular foods are boiled crab and fried shrimp.

When eat lunch already some people go sunbathing, swimming, diving, rent boat to go to another islands... At night the road are full of light and crow people.

I really love going to Sihanouk ville because it have a lot of thing to do with our family, when we stress from work or study and when we go there we never forget about this holiday at Sihanouk ville.


  1. Hi Baaaad Girl!

    I first went to Sihanoukville more than eight years ago. It was very quiet then with hardly any tourists.

    Look here *boil crab and fry shrimp.* When talking about food like this it should be *boiled crab and fried shrimp.*

    Good work.

  2. thank teacher for read and comment on my post this week
