Wednesday 17 August 2011

My wonderful Holiday!

After work or study very hard every people always relax on their holiday.
On Sunday, last month, I had a wonderful holiday. I went to Singapore with my family. We were traveling from Phnom Penh to Singapore for an hour and a half. I was inside an airplane, I looked outside through the window, I saw an ocean but I didn't know what is the name of it. I thought it was East Ocean. The food which in the airplane was very good. While I was having breakfast, I saw Mr. Bean. Wow! That was very cool. Hahaha! It was just a movie. When I had nearly arrived at Singapore, I saw Malaysia. Singapore and Malaysia were really close.

I arrived Singapore at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. The airport was very big. My family and I had lunch at the airport. Then we took a taxi to the hotel. On my way to the hotel, there are lots of tree with a wide street and high buildings. Aww!! It was so great. The hotel which I was staying in, was Conrad. At 3 o'clock, I, my cousin and my brother went to Santosa. I saw a statue called Merlion. It was a mythical creature with the head of a lion and body of a fish. When I saw this statue, it reminded me about the homework which our teacher told us.

At night, I went to Singapore Flyer. It was very high and very fantastic. The nightview of Singapore was so beautiful and wonderful with many skyscrapers. I can't forgot what was it looked like. It was my best holiday ever!!! You should go, too! And you will know that I don't lie to you.


  1. Excellent writing, Pichny. Can you tell me a little about the Conrad hotel?

    *When I was nearly arriving at Singapore,...*

    Better would be *When I had nearly arrived...*

    And *My family and I were having lunch at the airport.*

    This should be simple past, so *My family and I had lunch at the airport.*

    I enjoyed reading about your holiday, Pichny. Where would you like to go next time?

  2. Oh, and how was the chocolate bar? :-)

  3. Conrad hotel is near Suntec City. It is very high. Maybe next month,I will go to Singapore again,I think you should go with me. Next time,I will go to your country. Just kidding,teacher. And about the chocolate bar,it was very sweet. I drank 2 bottles of water after I ate it. But it tasted still great.:D Pichny

  4. Pichny, Can I go with u next time??? please...:)
    Yako Kuri

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. yes...... Me too please........ =^_^=

  7. Yes, Both of you can go with me. But make sure that you will pay for air ticket for yourselves. :D Pichny
