Wednesday 24 August 2011

My dream places

All the people around the world always have their own dream places and they have their own reasons why they would like to go there. Today I'd like to tell you about my dream places.

In the future, if I have my own money, I will go to Australia with my family. Australia is one of popular country around the world. I'm going to see Opera House which in Sydney. I've seen it by one movie called Finding Nemo. It is a movie that show about Sydney. I think some of you will know about this movie, too.

About Italy, Pisa is a city in Italy. Aww! See the word Pisa, it reminded me about Pizza. Yummy!! You know, last term, we had a project and my group's name is Leaning Tower of Pisa. I'd like to go to Italy. I want to know why it's leaning? It's wonderful,isn't it? If I know the answer, I will tell you.

And the last one is United State of America. I want to go to Universal Studio and also I want to visit my uncle. Universal Studio is very cool. It has roller coaster, Holiwood 4D and more than this... . I will see it one day.

This is all my plans in my future. How about you?


  1. Pisa? Ha, ha, yes it always reminds me of Pizza, too!

    Great post. I used to live in Sydney and the Opera House really is beautiful. Do you think that you might study there one day?
