Wednesday 24 August 2011


On my holiday I going to visited 3 countries and the name of the countries is the EASTER Island Mongolian and Hawaii. First I'm going to visited the Easter Island because it is beautiful I went to the by plane and when I arrived at the Easter island it was beautiful. After I arrived at the island I took some picture of the Easter statues and then I saw a Easter bunny was hopping around the statues and I took a picture of the bunny. And I spent a night at the island.

In the morning I went to MONGOLIAN. I wanted to go to Mongolian because I wanted to see the death worm when I arrived at Mongolian it was hot really hot.When I step out the plane I sweat more than I sweat before. I spent 3 day at Mongolian just for looking for the death worm. The final days has come and I couldn't find a trace of the death worm and when I just about to give up the luck push in I saw something moving a long the sand but when I ran to take the picture it gone gone for good oh well I suppose I didn't get the picture but I did get to see so I guess it OK.

And last but not list is LAS VEGAS the city of casino. I been there for a week it like a paradise they got everything there and by everything I mean casino and gamble. I took a lot of photo there and a lot of my photo is about the pyramid in Las Vegas. I did play some gamble but it was no luck at all. And when I went to check the room I book it was beautiful the room was big. And all I did is played gamble there.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marcus! Mongolia not Mongolian. ;-)

    What is the 'death worm!?' Please tell me!!
