Friday 8 July 2011

i want to be the lawyer

Hello Every One In the Internet . My Name Is Sochea , I want to tell you about study . Now I study grade 10. In my free time I like Listening to English music or Talking a bout the Lesson or something . I like to Listening to English music Because I want to very good Listening and I can Speaking a lot the English . And The End I want be the Lawyer because I want has a lot of money . I want to has a good job to the future I has to study a lot and I study a lot of law and I can do the good Lawyer .and A want to has some English I can study to Another Country .


  1. Hi,Sochea and thanks for making your first post on the blog. Which country would you like to study in?

    By the way, can you edit this post and change all the small 'i's into capital 'I's.

    Good work.
