Friday 8 July 2011

My Amazing Background

I am student of ACE. I study at room G.3 yl10. Room G.3 is the room that I love because it have amazing teacher have computer and have fastest internet. I study khmer at AIS. The school is amazing like ACE. R&B hit is very popular. Many people like it and I like it too. Why I like it because when I listen to it make me feel very relax. Before I go anywhere i have to listen to R&B hit to make me feel can do anything. And when I'm boring I listen to it. it make me fell better. The future most important thing in my background. why i say it important because future is my life. in the future I want to be engineer because it earn a lot of money so I can buy anything that I ever had in my life and I can be famous. I write my background on blog because I think blog is very easy to write to post picture learn new words find new friends and do anything that I want.


  1. dear fri ^^ i like ur background ^^ from JaBBaWockee

  2. nice picture......... form Pheata

  3. Yes, it's a good background. Well done! I look forward to seeing more of your writing on the blog.

  4. i will try to write more and use more good word.
