Wednesday 7 September 2011

Blog, Pichny, Ninnich, and Genifer are my friends.....:)

Hi all friends.........Now I want to show u about my last blog. And my last blog is very important for me.....

Blog is my best friend for me. I always show my feeling in my posts. When I wrote the blog I was very happy. Sometime I have some advices for you and I wrote in my blog. All my blogs wrote about my feeling that I showed in my blogs. Blog can make us to be happy when u sad or lonely. I don't know when day or week that I can write the blog again. I think no more time. I will change to ACE new branch at Santhor Mok. I know I can write the blog at my home, but I think it is very hard for me. I don't know I have free time or not. Because now I study khmer grade 11 so I would try to study more. I think maybe I don't have free time to write the blog or read the blog again. Blog always help me to be happy. And it help me to get some advice from another blog.

Now I very sad because this is my last blog. I have someday that I was very happy with my friends and my teacher in my class room in YL10. In this room I have 3 friends that I love them very much. They are Pichny, Ninnich, and Genifer. They are very friendly. I want to study with her again but no more time. I have 1 or 2 days to study here. So I want to spend time with them to talk about their feeling...... This is my idea I don't know teacher agree or not.....

I hope they will see my post..........And now I want to say "Good Bye the blog" I hope I will write it again......Don't forget the name "Yako Kuri".

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