Wednesday 7 September 2011

What so special about Blog ?

This term Blogs has improved my writings a lot also vocabulary spelling and grammar.At first i thought it was difficult and also my friends got that felling too.When it was the time to do blog i got stressed sometimes and i didn't know what to write.But when i did it 1 or 2 times then i knew it not too difficult and i can wrote more. This is cool because everyone in the world can see the post that i wrote and also i can share my idea to increase my knowledge and it has gave me a lot of advantages and developed my mind to thinks more about the world and my imaginations.I love doing blogs cause it fun and can improved things that i never thought before.So i want to say thanks you teacher for everything that you have done for the class and Thanks you for all your advices to improve my writing this term and good bye.

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