Wednesday 7 September 2011

ToP 3 oF tHe DreaM coUntrY ThaT I waNNa vIsit..!!!

oh Hi .......i am very happy to see you in my blogs again i will tell you abo0ut my 3 country ...........which alway in my mind.................can you guess ?.....not Korea ..not was..........the 1st 1 is New Zealand............

NEW Zealand .................I love It because people live in Peace ............and........natural .........Ohope beach it very woderfull natural place for summer holiday.........and best for winter is Lake Wanaka ........ICE mountain .....with a good love city)...AUCKLAND .........i love sky tower sky tower i want to be there so much very high..if we go up there we will see all of the city view i love wonderfull......the bed point for new zealand is the EARTH earthquake................however i really love it........because in the future next 2 year i will go there...... live with my aunt and study there.......Dunedin the best university.....good view and fresh air.....The building was beautiful inside and out with great stained glass windows and a Royal Doulton tile mosaic floor. {Ô}.

the second France high country

je ne sais quoi best shoping malls .........

everything i can not explain but i love it very much .....everything there are expensive but original ....i love it i have a lot of picture................

number 3 is noth pole.................i want to put the snow in my hands..want the smoke came out from my mouth ............and i want to see ice mountain and..........take photographe with polar bears.........that all...........thank for read my post.....................made by Photographer JaBBawockeeZ................LOVE YOU all BYE bye...........

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