Wednesday 13 July 2011

First time in Ghost cave>_< !!

I was standing in front of the cave's entrance. Around the cave, there were seven different signs warning people to keep out. I wondered that could be in there. My friend had flash light so I felt little safe.....I'm the most afraid ghost in the world. And I heard that there is a very strange cave in City mountain and somebody said at there very exciting.... Then I told my friends , they said 'wow!!! very exciting I want to go there!! You go???'. First I don't agree but finally I agree because I wanted to know what things are in there?....

In there were little green red yellow light like we see ghost story in TV, I walked in front of them and I looked up there were a lot bat, The bats just shout and I run in to middle of my friend. after that my friends behind me shout 'ghost' then my friend all run away from me just leave me alone.. I shout my friend's name 'Kim' but my leg was catch by someone and I fall on the floor... a lot of ghost around me... I scared!!!! I nearly cry but Kim hold my hand and run together I felt little more safe.... Kim and me walked slowly because we were so very
tired and no more power... We sit on a very big rock, then someone touched on my face, I knew already it's ghost I hold Kim's hand and run so fast again but I felt that why Kim's hand so cool? why Kim hand so big?.....Wish I didn't confuse Kim's hand with ghost! I don't wanted to look behind me if It was ghost... What can I do?? I started run run without hold anyone hand... I ran ran ran, I see women ghost in front of me she said 'LIVE~WITH~me' she touched my face and pull me to go with her, I don't agree because her face made me scare her face was very ugly ugly ugly ugly. 

I ran out of this crazy cave if I can leave, I will never come again 'bye bye ghost I didn't visit you again', I was very tired I walked and I saw five small caves in front of me.. what could I do? Could I choose cave 1 2 3 4 or 5? I close my eye and I choose cave #3.. Then I go in to it after that I could get out from this crazy cave...

I saw my friends are outside the cave Kim too!!! we ask each other about the small cave, and talk about own adventure, Exactly that we can go to each cave and finally we just could get out!!^_^


  1. Your story is very long, but it is very funny..and interesting. You can get ur feel to choose the cave and u can go out side it is very interesting for me....Good!!!!
    Yako Kuri

  2. Genifer, your story is scary! Well done, this is very good writing and so creative.

    You wrote * then someone taught on my face*

    I think you mean someone *touched* my face, right?

    The story is long which is great but it also means you must think about paragraphs. Ask me in class if you are not sure. OK?

    Excellent job!
