Wednesday 3 August 2011

I can be a good teacher...

Last week the head teacher came into our classroom and told us our teacher was sick. Then he said he was going to choose a student to teach the class. To my surprise he choose me.....!!!! What should I do???????Can you help me??

I was very surprising when he chose me to taught the class. I didn't know what should I do?? I was afraid when I went up to the whiteboard. I didn't know how to teach the student. I never taught the student before. At the whiteboard my face looked like a scary cat and all the student in the looked at me. Before I started to taught I wished I can do it. I said"Today, We didn't continue our lesson but I wanted all of you to reviewed and asked me about the grammar and the lesson that u didn't understand yet so I would explained to all of you to understood. Did you agree my idea?" They said"We agree." And the day that I was a teacher was very good and all the student liked my taught very much!!! I was very happy when I heard that!!!

So now I want to tell all of you don't be afraid to do something that you must to do. Try to do it!!!
Thanks for your reading!!!

1 comment:

  1. 'My face looked like a scary cat...'

    Ha, ha, that sentence made me laugh!

    *I was very surprising when he chose me to taught the class.*

    This should be *I was very surprised when he chose me to teach the class*

    Well done!
